Sunday, September 2, 2007

We're not homeless anymore!

After more than a week of internet research, phone calls and wandering of the city streets, we have finally found a place to call home here in Brussels! We're in the southeastern section of the city, near the campus but also relatively close to the city center, which is six metro stops away. It's a 1-bedroom apartment, not large by U.S. standards, but pretty good sized for being in a city - about 75 square meters, or roughly 840 square feet. The place isn't furnished, so on our somewhat tight budget we'll be either buying things second hand, or from that ubiquitous European furniture store, Ikea!! It's on the top floor of a three story building so we'll have some stair-climbing to do, but hey, it'll keep us from gaining weight from all the great chocolate, beer and cheese here!
We got the keys this evening and will move in tomorrow, but we're not sure how long it's going to take to get our internet access hooked up, so I may have limited ability to post until then. In the meantime, let's keep our fingers crossed for a smooth moving-in process!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wheeeww.. Glad you both made it there safely. Sounds like fun so far. Abigail & Zachary say hi ....
Love , Sarah