Tuesday, September 25, 2007

La Roue de la Fortune

In our efforts to learn French, we've begun tuning in to a few gameshows on one of the French networks. They're a great way to practice listening and learning in a new language! The two we've been watching will both be familiar to our American readers - "La Roue de la Fortune" ("Wheel of Fortune") and "Un Contre 100" ("One vs. 100"). The formats of both are easily recognizable when you watch them, but there are a few differences that we've found pretty fun and amusing.

Take Wheel of Fortune for instance - picture the American studio, but add disco lights, a much more animated host, a lot more glitz, and a dog on the set (yes, a dog!). He just sits there or sleeps most of the time, but periodically they'll pan the camera over to him or include him in a little interlude with the host.

One vs. 100 is also pretty much the same concept, but in addition to the disco lights and glitz, they also play a lot of sing-along type music, and people get so into it that when you close your eyes you think you're listening to the fans chanting at a World Cup Soccer match!! Seriously, the French get into their game shows, and I can only guess that when they watch ours, they must think to themselves "Boy are those Americans BORING"!!

1 comment:

Miz K said...

Too funny - we're doing the same thing! We're also watching alot of Cartoon Network. Have you seen ""Êtes-vous plus fort qu'un élève de 10 ans?" ("Are you smarter than a ten-year old student?" )It's our favorite... and the answer, for us, is always no - LOL!