Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy (slightly belated) Thanksgiving!

I'm a day late, but Happy Turkey day everybody! It feels different being overseas where it's "business as usual" on Thanksgiving day, but we did celebrate with a large gathering last night with a bunch of students from Carl's program. Most of us were American, but there was also representation from Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic - so it was Thanksgiving with an international flair! We enjoyed a potluck style dinner with turkey and all the fixings, and it was excellent. I'm definitely hitting the gym today to work off all that food I ate! Silly me forgot to take my camera, but several people were taking photos so if I receive any I'll be sure to post them.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday, and I hope you all have a great weekend!


Kasia said...

Happy Thanks Giving to you! We celebrated small Thanks Giving with Kristen and Chris last night. I start to like this tradition :P

Miz K said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Kasia - next year if we're not visiting the US, we'll show you a REAL Thanksgiving meal! :-)(You going to be here next Thanksgiving, Jen?)