Saturday, October 20, 2007

Living WAAAY far away overseas ain't what it used to be!

After a couple of months here I can unequivocally say that living overseas is a lot less of a "hardship" than it used to be in terms of keeping in touch with home. With e-mail, the internet, and Skype phone service, the time difference is really the only constant reminder that I'm not nearly as close as I used to be to family and friends! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have all these luxuries, but it really gives me a new admiration for people who spent long periods of time "away" in the days before the communications boom and internet age. How isolating that must have felt, and how much harder the adjustment must have been compared to what it is now!


Miz K said...

I know exactly what you mean - thanks to Skype I think I talk to my parents and sister more now than when we were sharing a country. Kudos on the marathon sign-up - I know you'll do well! What are your plans for the holidays? Are you going back for Thanksgiving or Christmas or staying in the area? Hope things are going well!

Kasia said...

I can only second to Miz K... I guess that more away we are from those we love, more we learn how much we need them and miss them in everyday life!